1) help you pick the appropriate promotional item for your needs
2) discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the hottest, newest advertising products
3) highlight the best methods for getting the most out of your promotional product investment
Let’s get started.
Choosing the Right Promotional Product
There are lots of factors which go into choosing the right products to achieve your promotional goals. Here is a short list of the questions we must answer. We will discuss each question individually in later blog entries.
1) What do we want to happen?
2) How will we measure success or failure?
3) What is our target demographic?
4) How will we deliver the item?
5) How much can we spend?
6) How quickly do we need the product delivered?
First, we have to decide what we want to happen. If you are not sure that you want anything to happen, then save your money or invest in your people, plant or product. This outcome or promotional goal can be as precise as:
“To increase referrals from our current customer base by 15% in the coming year”
to as imprecise as:
“To remind our volunteers while they are at home of how much we

Whether the goal is carved in stone or fluttering by on the wind we need to know what the goal is before we can begin. For instance, sending a Bic Clic Stic home with your volunteers will probably not accomplish the goal for them that we stated above, but it could be useful in helping to remind your customers to write out a referral for you. Send the pen along with a few self-addressed, stamped postcards and an

Steve Raggo
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