I don't know if you belong to any leadshare, network marketing, BNI or other type of referral marketing groups. If you don't, you are missing out on not just the referrals that you might get, but advice and ideas from folks who have and are running businesses. Last year I had the opportunity to speak to one of the lead share groups I belong to. During that 10 minute presentation, I told them about my future blogging exploits and asked them to write on the back of their business cards, one or two topics that they would be interested reading here. In order to encourage participation, I promised to draw one card from all of the suggestions and give one of our chocolate-dipped 'Thank you' cookies to that person. Theresa, the real estate agent extraordinaire in our group, asked a really great question:
"How do I give something with my advertisement on it to someone and make them think it is a gift"

It's a great question because it gets to the heart of what we try to accomplish when we use ad specialties as business gifts. We want the giftee to think fondly of us as we give them the item

Instead, we have to 'romance' it a bit. Put it in a gift box or basket. Better yet, put their name on it along with yours. When you give it to them, don't just say "Here." Tell they why you are giving it to them and what you want them to remember whenever they use the item. If you can't be there, add the sentiment to a card included with the gift. Make a big deal of it.
A few years back I gave our best referral sources - the folks in each of the Leadshare groups I belong to who referred the biggest new customers that year - Waterman pens. At the next meeting, when the time for announcements came, I stood up and explained to the group about the award I was giving, showed them the pen (Waterman pens still get oohs and aahs) and asked the award winners to come and get their pens. I shook each person's hand and said so everyone could hear, "I want you to remember whenever you use this pen, that my job at Raggo Advertising Products is to help you write more business." and then I promised them that they would never run out of ink. All they had to do was call me and I would get them a refill.
I gave them a 'memory hook' and I made the hook personal. I hope that they still remember.
So, romance it up a bit. Put a bow on it or wrap it in gift wrap or buy a gift basket and add the item to it. Put their name on it if at all possible. Whatever you do, though, make it memorable and make it personal.
Thanks, Theresa

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