Monday, March 19, 2012


Happy 1st day of Spring. I'm not sure what spring might bring to mind for you, but for me spring means Easter, of course, and Earth Day, but also gardening, motorcycle rides, graduations, the dreaded spring cleaning and thoughts of fishing. I think that it has been more than a year since I have stood at the water's edge and wondered if I could entice some finned "monster" to bite my hook. Monster is in quotes because those who know me best (You can probably hear them snickering in the background) know that I catch mostly aquarium and near-aquarium sized fishes. So, while I sit here dreaming of earning Jeremy Wade's job, here is a look at the local event calendar.

Below I have listed some upcoming holidays and notable events, along with a calendar of local (Northern Virginia Piedmont) significance. For more promotional event ideas, please check out the calendar portion of the Successful Promotions newsletter that can be found, in its entirety, on our website by clicking HERE.

Upcoming holidays and notable events:

April 6 is Good Friday and the beginning of Passover
April 2 is the NCAA Men’s Basketball Final
April 5 is Opening Day for Major League Baseball - promotional schedules are now available
April 8 is Easter
April 22 is Earth Day
May 13 is Mother's Day
May 27 is the Indy 500
May 28 is Memorial Day
June 14 is Flag Day


May 3 is the Culpeper's 16th Annual Gourmet Chef's Auction Benefiting SAFE
May 5 is Culpeper Day
May 17 is Culpeper Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals Group 3rd Annual Bowling Tournament
May 19 is the Warrenton Spring Festival
May 24 is Culpeper Fireman's Parade
June 2 is Fauquier Chamber of Commerce Home and Garden Show
June 7 is CulpeperFest

Local High School Graduation Schedule

June 1 is scheduled as Eastern View High School Graduation
June 2 is scheduled as Culpeper County High School Graduation
June 7 is scheduled as Kettle Run High School Graduation
June 9 is scheduled as Fauquier High School Graduation
June 10 is scheduled as Liberty High School Graduation

April is Alcohol Awareness Month or you may prefer to build a promotional event around one of these:

Earth Month
Poetry Month
Daffodil Month: Cancer Awareness
Dental Health Month
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Awareness Month
National Cancer Month
Parkinson Awareness Month
National Physiotherapy Month
Sexual Assault Awareness Month

May is National Bike Month along with

Mental Health Awareness Month
Cystic Fibrosis Month
Foot Health Awareness Month
Hepatitis Awareness Month
Huntington's Disease Awareness Month
Medic Alert Month
Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month
National Physiotherapy Month
Speech and Hearing Awareness Month
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
